İskender Arıcı

Welcome to this special series of classes for children who love plucking on the bağlama!

Discover the enchanting sounds of the bağlama with İskender Arıcı and learn to play this popular instrument from Turkish folk music. Having your own instrument is not necessary (available at De Centrale), but it is convenient. Explore the instrument starting with rhythm as the foundation. Playing the bağlama requires some skill, but the reward is unforgettable! Enroll now for this captivating course! Specifically designed for children aged 8 to 12 years old.

İskender comes from a musical family. He hails from Turkey and has been teaching at De Centrale for many years. He studied at the music academies of Deniz Güneş and Musa Kurt in Turkey, both renowned bağlama players. For his lessons, he draws from the rich musical repertoire of Turkish folk music.

  • Wednesday(s) from 18:00 to 19:00
  • Group lesson of 1 hour (extra group from 17:00 to 18:00 with sufficient registrations)
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  • € 110 (standard)
  • € 22 (reduced rate)