Sat.28.SepSaint Bavo's Abbey . Refectory

Afghans at the Ganda * Concert Naser Gulbahari

Guardian of Afghan Musical Traditions

Naser Gulbahari, an Afghan musician from Kohistan in northern Afghanistan, has been singing since the age of ten. Raised in a musical family, he learned the rich mahali repertoire from his father, a well-known tanbur player. Gulbahari combines various musical styles from northern Afghanistan and performs traditional mahali songs that are beloved by young Afghans.

Naser specializes in authentic Afghan instruments, with a particular focus on the harmonium and tanbur. His lyrics range from romantic to humorous, giving his music broad appeal. Since 2015, he has been living in Germany, where he performs with a six-member ensemble consisting of vocals, tabla, dhol, rubab, dambura, and harmonium.

The free autumn concert by Naser Gulbahari in the refectory of the Saint Bavo's Abbey is part of the event "Gentse Afghanen aan de Ganda."

Each year, the Neighbours of the Abbey welcome a Ghent community to Saint Bavo's Abbey and Ganda, the confluence of the Scheldt and Lys rivers. Together with members of this community, we explore ways to better understand each other. This year, on September 28, we meet with members of the Afghan community, in collaboration with Amnesty Flanders, Hand-in-Hand, Historic Houses Ghent and De Centrale.

15:00 - 17:30 * Women in Afghanistan
In the afternoon, we focus on the position of women in Afghanistan. We will engage in a conversation with Zahra Joya, an Afghan journalist in exile, and Samira Hamidi, a researcher on Afghanistan at Amnesty.

Afghan women will also showcase traditional Afghan clothing. The making of these clothes is one of the few forms of paid work still permitted for women. It is also a tribute to the craftsmanship of the seamstresses.

18:00 - 19:30 * Afghan Meal (Kabuli Palau)

The meal costs 15 euros, which should be transferred to the account number BE50 8905 9431 7718 of Hand in Hand, with the reference "Afghan meal."
Attendance for the conversation is free, but registration is required via the registration form on the Amnesty International website. Those who wish to join the meal can indicate this on the same form.
The conversation will be held in English, and no translation will be provided.


19:30 * Concert Naser Gulbahari & Ensemble  
Concert = free entry without registration (full is full!)