
Nana invites Fernant Zeste

Nana Osei-Twum Barima invites #3

The young and talented harp-lute player, singer, percussionist, and dancer Nana Osei-Twum Barima is from Ghana. At a young age, he discovered the seperewa, a harp-lute with a beautiful, enchanting sound that you simply must hear.

In his performances, Nana also weaves the subtle tones of the mbira (thumb piano) with a rich variety of percussion instruments, from the deep sounds of the thigh and water calabash to the rhythmic Ghanaian percussion box and bamboo percussion.

Fernant Zeste is one of the most dynamic representatives of indie blues in Ghent and beyond. Since 2010, he has toured across Europe, particularly in Belgium and Germany, with his signature blend of electric guitar and vocals. His music moves between blues, folk, and country, often with an experimental twist. With seven albums and various digital releases, each shaped by collaborations with other musicians, he continues to surprise. It’s no wonder he is alwasy a welcome guest at ENTR.

Photo by Shalan Alhamwy