Sat.12.OctTurbine Hall


A unique Afghan voice that transcends borders

Ahmad Shah Mostamandi is a well-known Afghan pop singer who captivates audiences in Afghanistan and beyond. With his powerful vocals and emotional performances, Mostamandi has established himself as one of the leading voices in the Afghan music world.

Mostamandi grew up in Kapisa, in the north of Afghanistan, and has a background in journalism. His career began early on but gained momentum after he moved to the Netherlands. Mostamandi's music videos are often featured on YouTube and Afghan television channels, expanding his reach and popularity among both the Afghan population and diaspora. He sings in both Dari and Pashto languages.


Saturday 12 October 2024

doors . 7:30 pm
concert . 8:00 pm

Presale . €15
Presale w/Uitpas, under 18 & groups of 10 or more . €12
At the door . €18
Reduced rate . €3.60

kids < 7y. free entrance

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